UTE-4823-Faraday Van Allen(The Sphere)
Images taken while UTE-4823 was leaving rupture 83/1.87 |
Threat Entity Database Entry
Threat ID:
UTE-4823-Faraday Van Allen(The Sphere)
Authorized Response Level:
Threat Level:
UTE-4823 is a small sphere approximately 63cm in diamter made of an element not listed on the periodic table. The object was obtained during incident 0473|09/25/09 from the NTE-0472 site and is kept at the facility. X-ray imaging of the object has been inconclusive as it is suspected that the element making up the sphere has a similar molecular composition to lead. However, small quantities of electromagnetic and gamma radiation have been detected emanating from the sphere pointing to a possible use as power generator or a WMD, similar to nuclear bombs currently in existance. Due to the nature of the object no testing has takne place and no attempts to breach the surface of the sphere have taken place.
Audio transcript of Assessment Team 777 radio during incident 0473|09/25/09
<Begin Audio Log>
Wizard: Okay boss, crisis averted. The rupture has re-stabilized, tell High Command that the earth lives another day
██████: Удивительно, good job Wizard. Scout, how does it look on cams?
Scout: Looks good here ██████, Wizard I think you can open up the can-
Suit: Thanks for the concern ██████, the researchers and civilians are fine and we're on our way back
Scout: Nobody asked for you Suit, just keep quite like a go-
██████: Cut it out you two, we're not out of the woods yet.
Suit: Sorry sir
Scout: [INAUDIBLE]Scout: Boss, there's something leaving 83/1.87. Wizard hold the doors!
Wizard: Shit! I can see it from here, ██████ what the fuck is that?
██████: No idea, Scout what does it look like?
Scout: I dunno boss, some kind of sphere. Not acting openly agressive, just… floating there.
Suit: ██████?
██████: Go suit
Suit: I got someone on the line for you, doctor Галина.
██████: Put him on.
Doctor Галина: H-Hello? This is doctor Галина. I need you to open the blast doors, that artifact could be essential for res-
Wizard: Hold your horses there Галина, we have no idea what this thing is nor what it could do. The protocol is to destroy any and everyting that comes out of that hole.
Doctor Галина: You don't understand, we need that artifact. Whatever the cost may be.
Scout: Like Wizard said, it's too dang-
████ ████: 777, Watchtower
██████: Go ahead Watchtower
████ ████: Open the doors, doctor Галина is clear to collect her artifact
██████: Authorization code?
████ ████: [REDACTED]
██████: Okay Wiz, open the doors. It's all yours doctor
Wizard: Yes sir
Doctor Галина: Thank you, ██████
██████: Alright boys let's saddle up. We're done here<End Audio Log>
On the assumption that whatever element makes up it's surface is nearly identical to lead, if liquidation is required agents are to attempt to liquidate in an industrial furnace. All personel in the area are not to have any electronic equipment on their person and are to be wearing radiation suits.
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