

Threat Entity Database Entry

Threat ID:

KTE-4503-Ragweed-Faraday – "Non-Terrestrial Cloudbank"

Authorized Response Level:

4 (Severe Threat)


A Biological airborne mass (hereafter referred to as Component Alfa), superficially resembling baseline terrestrial cumulonimbus clouds. The surface of component is covered with eyes, tendrils, and mouths, apparently serving no functional purpose. Capable of generating electrical discharges (Component Bravo) that can inhabit electrical devices (causing Alfa Component growth within), as well as act as baseline terrestrial lightning. Electromagnetic means can repulse and destroy both components. Entity manifests in the baseline via a Spatial Tear (Component Charlie), speculated to connect to either a pocket universe or parallel reality. If left unchecked, Alfa and Bravo Components will expand from the Charlie component indefinitely.

Rules of Engagement:

Remain in cover to prevent electric shocks. Do not use or expose electrical devices not covered in electric repellent shielding. Do not directly engage without wearing a Mk. II Electrical Protection Gear. The only effective method of liquidation is the aforementioned Electromagnetic means (such as Electromagnetic Ballista or Mk. VI Handheld Electromagnetic Manipulators). Assessment Teams who encounter the parathreat in the field are to take cover and call for backup. Strike Teams are to locate Component Charlie and close it via Scranton Reality Anchors or similar reality distortion suppressant, then liquidate remaining Components.


The entity was first encountered in 1947 during Operation CHALLENGER1, when a bank of the Alfa Component was observed over an ODESSA/OBSKURA encampment. Coalition scientists theorized that experiments made by involving reality probing attracted the attention of the parathreat to the baseline, however, due to the complete destruction of the facility by the entity. The KTE has manifested multiple times since, but usually far between other points of manifestation both in time and location.


Appendix IV:

As of 1963, the use of thaumatological methods to suppress the Charlie Component have been replaced with newly invented Scranton Reality Distortion Technology.

Appendix V:

As of the 23rd recorded assault on KTE-4503 by the Coalition, no +1Gen or +2Gen paratechnology may be used when interacting with the parathreat.

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